Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Governator and Tookie

Casey Lisak with Arnold and Stanley "Tookie" Williams: (Dated 12/1/05)

Next week Arnold is scheduled to meet with the lawyers for death row inmate, Stanley "Tookie" Williams. Williams was the founder and leader of the notorious street gang, the Crips. He has been sentenced to die on December 13th for his role in killing four people. While in prison Williams has changed his life around for the better and started many anti-gang programs. Schwarzenegger has rejected two previous petitions for clemency by Death Row inmates, but the request to spare Tookies's life will be decided before December 13. I feel that the death penalty should be inforced in every state, for the fact that some people have done things that should deny them life. However, in this case I feel that the man has turned his life around. He recognized the error of his ways and has lead a richeous life through prison. Putting him to death would be a waste of talent and a bad decision.


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