Friday, December 23, 2005

Be Back After The New Year

Good day.

I will post new political stories throughout the end of the year. A more detailed blog will return after the first of the New Year. Also, there will be more student postings once the semester begins in mid-January 2006.

Have a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Governator and Tookie

Casey Lisak with Arnold and Stanley "Tookie" Williams: (Dated 12/1/05)

Next week Arnold is scheduled to meet with the lawyers for death row inmate, Stanley "Tookie" Williams. Williams was the founder and leader of the notorious street gang, the Crips. He has been sentenced to die on December 13th for his role in killing four people. While in prison Williams has changed his life around for the better and started many anti-gang programs. Schwarzenegger has rejected two previous petitions for clemency by Death Row inmates, but the request to spare Tookies's life will be decided before December 13. I feel that the death penalty should be inforced in every state, for the fact that some people have done things that should deny them life. However, in this case I feel that the man has turned his life around. He recognized the error of his ways and has lead a richeous life through prison. Putting him to death would be a waste of talent and a bad decision.

Cox-Fieger at it again.

Casey Lisak comes up with another one on Cox-Fieger in Michigan.

There have been mixed feelings since the Fieger-Cox feud. However, Cox will likely continue with his bid for re-election of Attorney General. Fieger, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for Attorney General in 2006, denied trying to blackmail Cox in exchange for a dropped investigation into Fieger’s 2004 campaign contributions. It seems like Cox has came out of this cleaner than Fieger. Carolyn Curtin, a Republican state party chair said, "It was admirable that Cox tackled the issue head on.” Don Brigel said, “There is no replacement for him in the party… Would we dump an incumbent Attorney General and come up with a new candidate next time? As long as he doesn’t rob a bank or kill a person, I don’t think so.” Both are in favor of Cox and his actions. I feel that Cox will come out on top; this event hasn’t damaged his character as much as Fieger thought it would. Although, Republicans favor high morals and Christian conservatism, Cox has not been tarred and feathered like Fieger had hoped.

Schwarzenegger's Woes

Casey Lisak comments on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's work in the last few weeks. Dated: November 27, 2005

Casey's commentary: Arnold’s return from China didn’t yield much of a success. The governor’s reform plan has been shot down by the people that originally supported him. Proposition 76 was all about whether the people trusted him or not. Schwarzenegger wanted to cut state spending and he asked the voters to leave it to him. 62.5% of people who voted said they do not trust him that much. This number is similar to his disapproval rating. The people of California are started to look past Arnold’s charisma and see how their state is doing. Running off to China didn’t help his cause either. But I think this quote sums up the Schwarzenegger campaign “Whether he's damaged beyond repair is still not clear, and for sure, a lot of what happens in his reelection campaign next year will depend on who the Democrats put up against him. But one thing seems certain: Right now, the governor simply doesn't understand what happened to his political fortunes and why.” It seems like everything he does just makes him look worse.

Bill Brady for Governor

Wafa Hamad checks in with two stories about Illinois Gubernatorial candidate, State Senator Bill Brady.

Dated Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Brady: I'm In Governor's Race to Stay "totally committed" to winning this election

Sen. Bill Brady reaffirmed Tuesday that he will be a candidate for Governor on the ballot next year.
“I am totally committed to winning this election for Governor and to bringing a new generation of leadership to Illinois and state government,” Brady said. “I see new energy in my campaign every day from volunteers and supporters who believe I am the best candidate to beat Rod Blagojevich and to bring new vitality and integrity to Illinois.”
Brady said he was not interested in other spots on the ticket, as some have suggested.
“I am running for Governor, period,” Brady said. “I would not be in this race if I did not firmly believe that I am the best candidate to lead the renewal of my party and our state.”
Brady said his campaign has the momentum, the enthusiasm, the support and the financial commitments to mount a strong campaign over the next 12 months.
“This will be a winning campaign,” Brady said.
Brady was endorsed by a Conservative Summit similar to one that bolstered the campaigns of Al Salvi in 1996 and Peter Fitzgerald in 1998. He is building a strong grassroots organization and has already received assurances of financial assistance from national Republican organizations for the campaign after the primary election.
Brady said his solid standing in recent public opinion polls shows widespread support for his effort, despite the fact that he has not previously been a statewide campaign or spent millions of dollars for television commercials to boost his name identification.
Brady, a 12-year veteran of the General Assembly and a Central Illinois businessman for the last 25 years, announced July 26 he would seek the GOP nomination for Governor in 2006.

Wafa's commentary:
Sen. Bill Brady is showing us that he is a serious person, sure about his goals, and never gives up. He is reaffirming that next year will be a candidate for Governor on the ballot. He has a positive view of his campaign. He has many volunteers and supporters that believe in him. He don’t want to run for other job, he just want to be what he likes to be a Governor. He is sure about his campaign is going to win; after all he has the enthusiasm and the financial support to continue for the next 12 months. He is building strong organizations and is supported by the national Republican organizations. He prefers to speak directly to the public and not wasting money for television commercials to boost his name identification.

I believe that Senator Bill Brady would make a great governor for Illinois. He is a well qualified candidate and as a legislator for 12 years, he has worked very hard in his campaign. I think that he cares about us people and that he is telling the truth. I attended a speech of his at my college Moraine Valley Community College and he was a very spontaneous person. I agree that he preferred to speak at the public directly than through the television, so we can ask him whatever we want. He knows what he is doing and what he is running as, he wants to be a Governor and I hope he wins. If the people that are supporting him knew that he is not saying the truth then for sure they wouldn’t support him as they are until now.
Monday, October 24, 2005

Congressman Tim Johnson Endorses Brady for Governor; Cites Brady’s “Integrity and Stature”

Sen. Bill Brady, Republican candidate for Governor, today welcomed the endorsement of Illinois Congressman Tim Johnson.

Congressman Johnson endorsed Brady for Governor in the 2006 Republican primary election, saying Brady is the only candidate who has “both the integrity and the stature” to unite Illinois and to solve the state’s fiscal challenges and the current administration’s ethical failures.

“Bill Brady is the one person in the field of primary and general election opponents who has both the integrity and the stature to unite this party and this state, from Chicago to Cairo, for a productive future,” Johnson said.

"All of us, Republican or Democrat, Downstate, suburban and Chicagoans, are weary of our governor’s fiscal missteps and ethical lapses, as well as the endless partisan bickering that robs us of hope and optimism for the future. The solution is Bill Brady,” added Johnson.

Johnson, who represents all or parts of 22 counties in Illinois’ 15th District, made the announcement with Brady at news conferences in Champaign-Urbana and Bloomington.

Brady said he was honored to have Johnson’s endorsement and support.

“As Governor, I will need the assistance and advice of a strong Illinois delegation in Washington, and Tim Johnson is such a vital part of that delegation,” Brady said. “He is a respected, principled, hard-working leader, and I am honored and grateful to have him standing beside me as we work to create jobs in Illinois, restore the faith of the public in their government and rein in state spending.”

Brady, a Bloomington businessman and 12-year veteran of the Illinois General Assembly, announced his candidacy for Governor July 26.

Wafa's Summary
Sen. Bill Brady, Republican candidate for Governor is very happy that Johnson, who represents all or parts of 22 counties in Illinois’ 15th District, is supporting him. Johnson said that Brady has both the integrity and the stature to unite this party and this state, from Chicago to Cairo, for a productive future. He seems that he believe Brady on every thing and every word he made. Finally, they are saying good things about each other and that they support each other.
My Comments
When any person has good reputation others will help and support that person. This is exactly the case of Sen. Brady, he is supported by important ones like Tim Johnson. I think that Sen. Bill Brady is mighty acting. It is not quite easy running for Governor; however, he is working hard to earn that honor.

Oberweis and Topinka, Dated the week of December 4

The article deals with Judy Baar Topinka running for the Governor's spot. There isn't much about Oberweis in the article. It is funny though he seems to be worried about her entering the race. The article states how Oberweis is already bad mouthing her saying that she is involved in a corrupt Ryan campaign. I love it. This is a great example of dirty politics and someone who is starting to get worried. It cant get any worse for Oberweis.

My commentary: Oberweis is clearly a number two candidate with Topinka entering the race. He is also fighting for the conservative banner in Illinois with State Senator Steve Rauschenberger and State Senator Bill Brady in the race.

Oberweis and Illegals, Dated the week of November 29.

Nothing really major happened for Oberweis this week. I did find an article that says he fired the cleaning service that used to work for his stores. I think he is just trying to save face. I also think it is to late for him to do this. The damage has already been done. People will always remember that he had the illegal immigrants working for his store.

My commentary: I tend to agree with Mr. Johnson about this situation. Oberweis will be hurt by this incident. It may not come out in the open now, but wait until the new year with a contested Republican primary, and this issue will rear its ugly head again.